Up To Now

As usual, it’s been a while since I’ve posted. Since I know I’m probably the only person to view this (not complaining) I’m not terribly motivated. Still, I do have some images taken this year I’d like to share. Winter in Sweden this year was a bit more extreme than I’ve been used to. Still, not as bad as my days living near the Great Lakes in the U.S., those are tough. I decided to take a trip by myself to unwind in a place I’ve never been before in Sweden, Västerås. While not a tourist mecca the Steam Hotel there, created in a early 20th century power plant, is wonderful. I got some nice winter pictures of the old town area.

But before I knew it Spring happened. Or didn’t. We had a slow start to nice weather here, but when it came it was glorious. I went out to see my favorite wildflower, the Fritillaria Meleagris. It’s known here as the King’s Meadow Lilly (Kungsängslilja) and it grows in a place, believe it or not, called the King’s Meadow. It is in other places in Europe but this is a particularly rich patch near me. I find them beautiful, not that I’m fighting against the tide with this opinion. I liked the serious looking birds in the meadow so you get a few images of them.

When the Spring comes to Sweden it’s just fantastic. I captured a few views from the country place of the quite famous naturalist Carl Linnaeus. He doesn’t live there anymore having been dead for a few hundred years.

Lastly, some images of a restored 19th century apartment in this town. If you had the money you lived well, but not ostentatiously.

Hope you enjoy the pictures. 🙂

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